22 Months ( a week late)
October 15, 2011, 7:09 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

Let’s just pretend that this is last Saturday and this update isn’t a week late 🙂

Life has been a tiny bit hectic this week and I didn’t have a whole lot of time to sit and blog. Luke got another ear infection and a nasty cough, Dylan has football practice twice a week and we had 2+hours of conferences. Add into the mix a husband who is out of state on a hunting trip and you’ve got a tired Mama.

Let’s get down to business.

Here are some things we want to remember about Lucas at 22 months-

*He is 25.6 pounds  YAY for gaining weight!

*About a million times a day, he grabs a book and hands it to me and says “Here go Mama. Sank you” Translation:”Here you go Mama. Thank you.”

*He loves to count. It usually goes 1,2,3,3,9, yay! His love of counting has made him require 2 of everything. 2 nuks, 2 spoons, 2 blankets. You name it, he wants two. It’s pretty cute.

*He’s really gotten into watching Dylan play football. He still spends a lot of the games running around like a crazy toddler, but there are times when he gets really excited about the game. Fun.

*I think if it weren’t for the cough and sore ears, he would be *thisclose* to sleeping through the night. Finally.

*He’s a boundary tester. It’s in his eyes. When he gets an idea in his head, there’s no stopping him. I admire that about him. For supporting evidence, see the watermelon post 🙂

*Oh man does this kid love his family. He gets giddy when he sees them. Grandmas, Grandpas, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins. He just loves them all.

*Luke is going to have 2 new cousins in a matter of days. All of the time spent around pregnant Aunts has led him to believe that everyone is pregnant. Everyone. Including him. He likes to show everyone his belly and tell them “baby” It’s adorable. I just need to tell people not to be offended when he thinks that there is a baby in their belly too 😉

Oh man, we love this kid.

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I love it that Luke calls you “Mama”. My kids called me that and I loved it then, too. People always used to make “southern” comments about that … but I just love that. Sigh. Love you!! 🙂

Comment by Josie Stalker

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